Borrowing and Combining Innovation
Think you have to start your invention from scratch? Why not combine existing innovations?
Think you have to start your invention from scratch? Why not combine existing innovations?
Business owners, in particular startup business owners, don’t have the time to learn all we need to know for business success. It might be time to ‘rent some brains’.
In business, sometimes you have to have a sense of humor, learn from your mistakes and move on.
Companies must incorporate alternative tools within their business in order to continually innovate and generate a competitive advantage.
Review your business’s marketing materials and consider the ‘headlines’ on each one. Does it grab the attention of the reader about a specific pain point, need or want?
‘Growth hacking’ is a term for a savvy business person, focused on growing their business. Commit to growth hacking today.
The team at The Business Therapist® has developed our own manifesto. We found this to be a collectively creative experience and the process helped clarify our beliefs.
The first time I heard the ‘nap room’ idea was a couple years ago. I was running a program where I facilitate feedback from a team of employees without the owner present.
The key ingredient in distorting reality to help with small business success, is to simply be open to the possibility that other realities may exist.
What if Instead of using the class time to give a lecture, the lectures were pre-recorded on video and the students required to watch them before coming to class, and ‘class’ time was used to discuss real life situations?
‘Economic Gardening’ is focusing the support of economic development on the existing businesses in your region that have the best chance of growth.
There is a missing piece in the way small business owners acquire knowledge. Why is there not a structured and scientific experiential learning model for existing small business owners?
But you can learn from real stories about business owners’ challenges and breakthroughs.
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