Free Yourself From Your Business

Free yourself from your business in four steps.

Working on your business vision is not usually the first thing you do when you get to work.

However, by gaining clarity, alignment and then communicating your vision is the secret to freeing yourself from your business.

The job to be done: Get clarity of vision to get freedom

Here is how it works:

Step 1: Make sure you are clear about your business vision. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated. For example:

Project $1M – Revenue of one million dollars annually in three years.

If you need a framework for developing your vision, reach out, we have a resource for you to use. One of the simple and key points is to simply commit the vision to paper – write it down.

Step 2: Make sure your business goals are aligned with your personal goals. It will be very hard for you to get passionate about working towards the business vision if it doesn’t serve you personally.

Why not envision a business where you provide the skills you enjoy doing and are good at? This also means a vision where you stop doing the parts of the business that you hate!

Step 3: Communicate your vision and goals. Your employees are not mind readers. Once you have clarity and alignment, share your dream with your team. This is most important right at the point of hiring. Business owners sometimes forget that each employee also has personal goals too. If you share your vision with them and it is also aligned with their personal goals – look out!

Step 4: Now that your team understands the vision and goals, get out of their way!

This is the reward for working through the first three steps. When you have a team of people all aligned around a common vision, you as the leader will find it much easier to delegate tasks and responsibilities. Your team will love it too!

Freedom from your business in 4 steps

1) Get clarity of vision
2) Get aligned with your personal goals
3) Communicate it to your team and future hires
4) Get out of their way!

We also like to hear from you about both success stories and where you or your team might be stuck. Maybe we could help you get unstuck? Feel free to send us an email – 

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