Improving Employer – Employee Dynamics

How you lead your team, your leadership style, will set the tone for your workplace dynamics. Which type of leader are you? Which style is better?

There is one management philosophy that says you need to have control over your employees, some need strict supervision in order to for them to be productive.

There is another management philosophy that says employees will take responsibility for themselves if you provide a culture of trust, respect, and support, but provide them the freedom to be productive without supervision.

Which one is right?

Both of them!  – Here’s why:

The controlling boss style works for the controlling boss.

When he or she hires employees they know the management style. If they decide they would like to shun responsibility, they keep their job and work in the controlled environment the boss manages. This reinforces the management style is the true reality of the controlling boss.

The other factor that reinforces the environment is with respect to communication styles. If you act like a “parent” in your communication with another person, it often creates a ‘childish’ response. One of the big reasons the “parent–like” controlling boss has such immature employees is because he or she creates childish responses with “parent–like” actions! And since 80% of your communication is non-verbal, it shows up as ‘finger-pointing’ or ‘arms on the hips’ body language or in a “parent–like” tone.

By the way, childish communication from a boss can also trigger a childish response!

The other management style is to act ‘adult-like’ as the boss.

This requires mature, respectful and trusting interactions.

If you seek out potential hires who like this particular style, the ones who respond well to it will come work for you. The development of this ‘adult-like’ culture will grow at your business as a result. The culture won’t accept “parent” or “childish” behaviors. Each time the boss or the employee communicates ‘adult-like’, the response will tend to be ‘adult-like’.

The management style must be consistent

It is easy to be “adult” on a good day when everything is going well. The key is to also be ‘adult-like’ during challenging events and communications about conflicting points of view.

The management style matters most during challenging interactions.

So which camp do you fall into? 

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